Monday, September 27, 2010

Time Flies!

Wow it has now been over a month since my last post, where did the month of September go? I've been super busy now that I have officially started all of my classes. Keeping up with an 11 month old and trying to do course work is quite the challenge. Jonovan has also starting going back to daycare 2 days a week for half a day. The first day back was a lot harder on me than it was on him (it's a mom thing)! Speaking of my 11 month old, I just can't believe by little baby is going to be a whole year old next month!! He's been through so much his first year than some people go through their whole life! This is why his 1st birthday will be a very very special celebration to our little family :) We had pretty good news at the last cardiologist appointment. Jonovan finally doesn't have to take ANY medications anymore!! He still has a very small leak in his heart but with more time, love, and prayers it should close up soon. As far as his weight gain goes little man is a whopping 16 pounds now ;) Still not as much as they would like to see him gain but this is the way the cardiologist explained it to me: "If you were not able to move around for almost a whole year, you had surgery, and were now able to move around freely without getting exhausted would you want to move and explore or eat?" Moving is what my answer would be and he explained that this is exactly how Jonovan feels. He said to give him time and he'll eventually catch up on his weight, although, it could take up until he's 18 months to totally catch up. Right now I'm just taking things as they come and kind of "goin with the flow". The past few weeks Ramon and I have notice that he has a huge appetite now. He loves solid foods. Sausage, noodles, pizza, peas, watermelon, yogurt, crackers, bananas, and beans are just a few of his favorites. He's still having a hard time getting the concept of the sippy-cup but I know he'll catch on soon. Still not walking but he has started to wear some cute little shoes now that give him more support to stand up and walk along the furniture. Also, can we say MAMAS BOY!?!? Now that it is just the two of us during the day he's grown closer to me than ever and I love feeling so loved :) But the moment that Ramon walks in the door for lunch or after work, Jono crawls up to him as fast as he can so that daddy can scoop him up in his arms. I say this all the time, but, I am so lucky.  A few more things to add...Jonovan now has his two bottom teeth! We thought they'd never come in. His new favorite toy is the toilet paper in the bathroom. And now that he's gotten bigger and able to move around easier it's so much fun to watch him play with his cousin Leela and his best bud Joseph (these two little guys do everything together from teething to dirty diapers. Having a buddy to get into trouble with makes things that much more exciting!).
Picture time.....

Jono & Daddy making a band. This is serious!!

We went to visit Uncle Dennis and Auntie Krystal and we noticed that the kiddos were just a lil too quiet. Found them in the kitchen eating a box of cereal.

First time at the Sand Dunes. He loved it!!

Grabbin a bite to eat before cousin Anna's wedding in La Junta

It's sideways but I just love this picture

Someday I'll be big enough to reach those pedals

Cookie Monster

Leela is stealing the top blankie and Jono is not sharing the bottom one. This is just the begining with these two!

Jonovan and Leela looking out the door. So desperatley wanting to go play with the older kids outside

He can stand like this but just doesn't have the confidence to stand up completely unsupported

Messes! Let's just say we have to keep the bathroom door shut all the time now