Monday, May 30, 2011

My oh my it has been a while!

I got to thinking today & realized that I haven't created a new post with updates on here since Jonovan's 1st Birthday! I guess this is the biggest sign that since his 1st birthday, I sure do have my work cut out for me. But, let me say I sure am loving every single minute of it!

Looking back all the way to October makes me see how much my favorite little man has grown. We still call him our little peanut because he is very small for his age still, but Jonovan is now 19 lbs & around 29 inches tall. He is so little but I will be the first person to tell you that he is full of sass, attitude, and also one of the sweetest little darlings there is! Doctors were concerned around the time of his first birthday because he was still not talking a whole bunch. At his 1 year check up I was given a goal to have Jonovan saying atleast 50 words by his 18 month check up. We barely passed with about 60 words or so by the time he was 18 months, and now, being 19 months old this smart little guy has started saying short sentences and phrases. Along with talking at 100 mph, he also has learned to count to 3. Ramon & I have found that 2 is his favorite number right now. When we say, "Jonovan, how old are you?" he puts 1 finger up but announces that he is two. We really get a kick out of it.

I notice in my last post that I noted that Jonovan had just learned how to drink out of a sippy cup. It has now been about a week that he has learned to drink from a cup with out a lid or from a water bottle! It amazes me how much he learns in so little time. I also have quite a little climber on my hands. He has learned to climb just about anywhere, and with his new "oh so independent" personality, this means he has to climb in and out of the vehicles on his own anytime we go somewhere. Speaking of going somewhere, one of Jonovan's favorite things to do is "go bye-bye". He loves to be on the go!

I guess I can officially say that my little baby is growing up on me! It's a bitter sweet type of feeling. I will always and forever miss his baby days where I had the chance to just hold and cuddle with him all day but I also love seeing his little brain develop and grow in so many different ways everyday. I am being literal when I say everyday because he learns something new every single day.

Currently Jonovan is being seen by a geneticist who is doing several tests to see where his heart & eye conditions might have came from as well as looking for any other possible syndroms that may be linked with his current conditions as well as his growth. Results for that are still pending but I will be sure to post an update from that when we do find out.

I guess thats all for now with this post, I believe my boss has just woke up from a nap & is playing in his crib :)

Always Always gotta include some pics!

Our little pirate on Halloween

1st year decorating the Christmas tree with mommy

It's so much easier to play inside of the toy box

I can't quite say why but this is one of my favorite pics

I am the luckies gal alive

I haven't mentioned yet that Jono has grown to be quite attached to his blankie. It even has its own name..."bay" He's crying here because he can't get bay out of his crib.

He loves to be outside! Helping daddy

Coloring easter eggs 2011

Is that the hulk?!?

Easter morning. Patiently waiting for daddy to open up his Easter basket!

Just being one of the guys! Workin' on the yard.