Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So tiny, so sweet and innocent. What an amazing experience. after 9 months of waiting, not knowing what to expect, now you are here and we are overwhelmed with so many feelings; you are More perfect than I could have ever hoped. More beautiful than I could have ever dreamed.More precious than I could have ever imagined. & I love you more than I could have EVER known.

It's hard to imagine that this was exactly what I was feeling just a little over a year ago. October 24, 2009 at 5:35 p.m. was the day that changed our lives forever.

Jonovan you came into this world and showed us a kind of love that we never even knew was possible. It has now been 1 whole year and we can't believe how fast it has went by. Everything that we have been through this year has made our little family so strong and we wouldn't feel this way without you! Aside from all of the struggles that you had to face so soon, this year has been the best year of my life. You are still so small but, you truly are the most AMAZING person I know. Every morning I wake up wondering how I could ever love you more than I already do. Then, there it is... a look, a smile, a laugh...and somehow I just do!

On Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 we celebrated your birthday at the San Luis Valley Pizza Company here in Alamosa with numerous friends and family members. Pizza is your all time favorite food so you sat there very content and ate 2 whole pieces of pizza on your own. You had your very own birthday cake to your self and managed to demolish it quick. This month you finally learned to use the sippy-cup! So you were able to have a cup of 1/2 juice and 1/2 water with your lunch. It was a great party and you were really happy for the whole thing. You love to dance so for most of the party you sat in your high chair just dancing away and eating pizza. Everyone thought it was just so cute!  Here are some pictures from your party.

We took you for lunch at Calvillo's on the day of your birthday and you didn't like it too much when then sang happy birthday to you!

Jonovan Ramon Gutierrez, we made it through our first year together and we are VERY fortunate that we have many more to come! Your birthday was a day for us to celebrate you being here with us, being happy, and being healthy! Daddy and I love you from the very bottom of our hearts. You are the best gift god could have ever given us. We will continue to love you forever and ever!

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