Friday, February 7, 2014

Communication...What do YOU need to communicate effectively?

Communication is something that every living organism on the planet needs in order for survival. With out it what would the world be like? It's impossible for anyone to live without communication.

With that being said, since communication is needed for everyone, what does a person need to be a good communicator?

Let me tell you what I think!


If you are wanting to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, you should be organized. If it's a verbal conversation, your thoughts should be organized in your mind. If it's at a meeting for work, everything should be organized within an agenda or outline. Nobody wants to communicate with a person who doesn't make any sense with what they are trying to say.

#2-Be A Good Listener

Communication is a two way street. Not only should you be great at communicating your thoughts, you should be good at listening to others as well. Taking the time to genuinely listen to what others have to say makes you more efficient when you are responding to their thoughts

#3-Be Confident

People that are confident are a lot more easier to communicate with than someone who is shy and withdrawn. Confidence is always a good attribute in a person trying to communicate. It makes what you have to say more interesting and believable.

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