Thursday, August 12, 2010

I feel like the luckiest Mommy in the world when....

I get to wake up and see this sweet face everyday!!

We are sitting in our hotel room for what will hopefully be our last night in Denver. I didn't realize how homesick I was going to be until I had actually been here for a while. Jonovan is still doing great today. He's actually crawling all around the room, standing up on things, and getting into everything that is within his reach. He is not eating as much as he was the day we left the hospital, but we are assuming that it just takes some time for him to eat like a baby his age should. This morning we took him to the Denver Zoo for the very first time! Daddy bought Jono a toy elephant that is just about the same size that he is. He was awake for the first half our or so and enjoyed the bit of animals he got to see. I think we've got a future animal lover on our hands, just like Uncle/Nino Dennis and his Auntie Britny :) Jono's first post operation visit is tomorrow morning at 10:30 in Colorado Springs. He will see his regular cardiologist, Dr. Runciman, for this. As long as things are still looking good, and we are sure they are, we will get to go home tomorrow!! We had no idea that Jonovan was going to heal and recover from the surgery so fast. When I asked the hospital how long I should pack our bags for I was told that the absolute earliest we would be leaving was 3 weeks after the operation. Our lil' man never ceases to amaze us!

Monkeying around and laughing at the zoo!

Jonovan is ready to go home too!

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