Monday, August 9, 2010

If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it.

After reading one of the previous posts I also wanted to add that while in surgery the surgeon only found the ventricular septal defect (hole on the bottom). He said he looked closely and was not able to find an atrial septal defect. It could be possible that he never had one or that it actually closed on his own. The VSD that was closed was a bit bigger thank a nickel. This may not seem to terribly huge but when you think about it in comparison with the size of his heart (which is the size of one of his fists), it was huge. He found that one of the venticals actually started growing tissue over the VSD with could have been very dangerous and damaged the ventricals if it had grown more. It was a great decision to have this surgery done and have the defect repaired. The VSD in Jonovan's heart was causing 2.5 times the amount of blood the heart pumps to go back to his lungs. If we had decided to wait or not do the surgery at all it would have caused permanent damage to his lungs. I feel very thankful that god put us in the hands of a fantastic surgeon that was able to go in and fix Jono's heart with out any major complications. Our prayers were answered and it's such a great reminder to never give up or lose faith! If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it!!

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