Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away...

Sitting here again just watching little man sleep. He's doing great today. He's eating really good and managing to keep everything he eats down. The results from his chest x-ray show that he still has fluid in his lungs but it has went down some. The medication that he takes to help with this is called lasix. Today they will start giving him the lasix three times a day orally instead of through the iv which is great for him. He hates getting his iv meds because it burns a little. He will continue to take this medication even when we go home for a while. This morning he had an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) and we'll know the results of that soon. He is one smart little guy! Every time he sees a nurse walk in the room he starts to cry because he knows there about to bug him with something different. When they are leaving and walking out the door he gives them a big smile and waves bye-bye. We've had a couple nurses that have come in saying that rumor was that Jonovan is one of the cutest babies ever and they just had to come check him out for themselves. Little man is already such a flirt!! The nutritionist here at the hospital just started him on a high calorie mix of formula that will hopefully help him gain some weight now that his heart is repaired. We talked to the Dr. this morning and he said that Jono is doing so great they may even discharge him from the hospital tomorrow! It's completely relieving to know he is going down a healthy path. We will have to stay in Denver still until he has at least one post operation visit. We feel so excited that each day just gets better and better for him and we couldn't have done it without the tons of support and love we get from family and friends! We say this a lot but it truly is amazing how quick he is recovering. It has only been four days since surgery and he's back to his ornery ol' self.

Daddy says he looks like a ninja with these hospital pants on.
Mommy says he looks like a doctor.

Sittin' on mama's lap watching cartoons

Riding down the hallway in one of the Children's Hospital wagons
They let him off the monitors for a while so we could hold and play with him

Sleeping in his crib

Sucking on my blankie always makes things better!

1 comment:

  1. He looks soo good i miss him and i cant wait tell he comes back give him lots of loves for me
    -Robbyn :)
