Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just to see you smile :)

There is a song that Ramon and I sing to Jonovan every morning. Good morning to you! Good morning to you! You are my sweet baby...Oh how I love you!!!  It never fails to make him smile even if he's still half asleep. Yesterday it seemed like there was nothing we could do to make Jonovan smile. This morning we got our very first smile from him since the operation! I have to say it was a GREAT feeling. We can see that we are slowly but surely getting our little boy back to normal. Today was a good day. Jonovan was transferred from cardiac intensive care to the 9th floor which is all cardiac children. He still has some spurts where he is in a lot of pain but his nurses are doing a pretty good job at keepin it controlled. The results from his x-ray this morning showed that he does have some fluid in his lungs so he is now on a new medication for this as well. He still has been vomiting since yesterday. We were able to give him his first sponge bath this morning and after this he was sound asleep for a nice long nap. Later in the afternoon we gave him another sponge bath because he vomited again and learned how to properly care for his incision. We dressed him in a cute little blue shirt that buttons up on the side and some little white hospital pants. This afternoon his nurse noticed that his heart rate starting going up, she informed the doctor, and they are now keeping a close eye on this. Jono has had many visitors which included family and friends of ours that live in Denver & also family and friends that traveled here to see him bringing many many gifts. He sure is one loved little guy. We still have many people calling & texting to check in on him and we appreciate every bit of it! Thank you for helping us stay strong & keep our lil sweet cheeks strong too! Now here's some pictures. It's amazing that he looks so good only two days after having surgery.

Playing with some hospital toys

New toy from Grandma Sadie & Grandpa Mike
(Notice no more oxygen!)

So serious!

And we caught one of those famous smiles on a picture!

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